国家重点研发计划重点专项,2018年度项目“西南粮食主产区重金属和农业面源污染综合防治与修复技术示范”,课题4“川渝丘陵平原区农田镉污染修复技术集成与示范”(课题编号:2018YFD0800604),2018/1-2020/12,在研,子课题第三完成人 (子课题分任务负责人,研究经费12万,C类项目)
1. Ma, X.; Zhu, X.#; Mu, Y.; Gao, C.; He, W.; Ran, M.; Cai, L.; Fan, G.; Ma, G.; Sun, X.*, Fabrication of polydopamine reduced CuO nanoparticle-alginate composite nanogels for management of Pseudomonas synringae pv. tabaci in tobacco. Pest Management Science 2023, 79 (3), 1213-1224.
2. Cao, Z.; Ma, X.; Zou, A.; Shi, Z.; Xiang, S.; Xu, J.; Cai, L.; Huang, J.; Sun, X.*, Chitin nanocrystals supported copper: a new nanomaterial with high activity with P. syringae pv. Tabaci. Pest management science 2023.
3. Zhu, X.; Ma, X.#; Gao, C.; Mu, Y.; Pei, Y.; Liu, C.; Zou, A.; Sun, X.*, Fabrication of CuO nanoparticles composite e-polylysine-alginate nanogel for high-efficiency management of Alternaria alternate. International journal of biological macromolecules 2022, 223, 1208-1222.
4. Ma, X.; Zhu, X.#; Qu, S.; Cai, L.; Ma, G.; Fan, G.; Sun, X.*, Fabrication of copper nanoparticle composite nanogel for high-efficiency management of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci on tobacco. Pest Manag Sci 2022, 78 (5), 2074-2085.
5. Liu, C.; Tian, S.; Lv, X.; Pu, Y.; Peng, H.; Fan, G.; Ma, X.; Ma, L.; Sun, X.*, Nicotiana benthamiana asparagine synthetase associates with IP-L and confers resistance against tobacco mosaic virus via the asparagine-induced salicylic acid signalling pathway. Mol Plant Pathol 2022, 23 (1), 60-77.
6. Lv, X.; Yuan, M.; Pei, Y.; Liu, C.; Wang, X.; Wu, L.; Cheng, D.; Ma, X.*; Sun, X.*, The Enhancement of Antiviral Activity of Chloroinconazide by Aglinate-based Nanogel and Its Plant Growth Promotion Effect. J Agric Food Chem 2021, 69 (17), 4992-5002.
7. Cai, L.; Jia, H.; He, L.; Wei, X.; Feng, H.; Fan, G.; Ma, X.; Ma, G.; Sun, X.*, The photocatalytic antibacterial molecular mechanisms towards Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci by g-C(3) N(4) nanosheets: insights from the cytomembrane, biofilm and motility disruption. Pest Manag Sci 2021, 77 (5), 2302-2314.
8. Ma, X.; Xiang, S.; Xie, H.; He, L.; Sun, X.; Zhang, Y.*; Huang, J.*, Fabrication of pH-Sensitive Tetramycin Releasing Gel and Its Antibacterial Bioactivity against Ralstonia solanacearum. Molecules 2019, 24, 3606.
9. Ma, X.; Yang, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, G.; Shao, Y.; Jia, H.; Cao, T.; Wang, R.*; Liu, D.*, Remote Controlling DNA Hydrogel by Magnetic Field. ACS Applied Material & Interfaces 2017, 9 (3), 1995-2000.
10. Ma, X.; Wang, M.; Chen, C.; Isbell, M. A.; Wang, R.*; Liu, D.; Yang, Z.*, Improving the sensitivity for DNA sensing based on double-anchored DNA modified gold nanoparticles. Science China Chemistry 2016, 59 (6), 765-769.
11. Ma, X., He, L., Wan, X., Xiang, S., Fan, Y., Xiong, X., Gan, L. and Huang, J.* Reversible mechanical regulation and splicing ability of alginate-based gel based on photo-responsiveness of molecular-level conformation. Materials, 2019, 12, 2919.
12. Ma, X.; Xiang, S.; Xie, H.; He, L.; Sun, X.; Zhang, Y.*; Huang, J.*, Fabrication of pH-Sensitive Tetramycin Releasing Gel and Its Antibacterial Bioactivity against Ralstonia solanacearum. Molecules 2019, 24 (19).
13. Xiang, S., Ma, X.#, Liao, S., Shi, H., Liu, C., Shen, Y., Lv, X., Yuan, M., Fan, G., Huang, J.* and Sun, X.* Cellulose nanocrystal surface cationization: A new fungicide with high activity against Phycomycetes capsici. Molecules, 2019, 24, 2467.
14. Xiang, S., Ma, X.#, Shi, H., Ma, T., Tian, C., Chen, Y., Chen, H., Chen, X., Luo, K., Cai, L., Wang, D., Xue, Y., Huang, J.* and Sun, X.* Green synthesis of an alginate-coated silver nanoparticle shows high antifungal activity by enhancing its cell membrane penetrating ability. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2019, 2, 4087-4096.
15. Zhang, Y.; Ma, X.#.; Gan, L.; Xia, T.; Shen, J.; Huang, J.*, Fabrication of fluorescent cellulose nanocrystal via controllable chemical modification towards selective and quantitative detection of Cu(II) ion. Cellulose 2018, 25 (10), 5831-5842.
16. Huang, J.; Ma, X.; Yang, G. and Alain, D. (2019). Introduction to Nanocellulose. In Nanocellulose. doi:10.1002/9783527807437.ch1
17. Ma, X., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., Huang, J. and Dufresne, A. (2019). Current Status of Nanocellulose‐Based Nanocomposites. In Nanocellulose. doi:10.1002/9783527807437.ch6
18. Zhang, Y., Chang, P. R., Ma, X., Lin, N. and Huang, J. (2019). Strategies to Explore Biomedical Application of Nanocellulose. In Nanocellulose. doi:10.1002/9783527807437.ch11
19. Ma, X.; Huang, J.; Dong, M. and Deng, X. (2019). Lignin-modified Thermoplastic Materials. In Lignin Chemistry and Application.
1. 马小舟; 王晶; 瞿赛姣; 孙现超; 樊光进; 蔡璘; 汪代斌; 徐宸 ; 一种抗菌铜纳米颗粒复合凝胶的制
备方法, 2022-08-19, 中国, CN202110144034.8